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Nov '08

Sweet Success


I have finished Nanowrimo. There are many other excuses for not updating this in a long time – one of them being that all the people who used to nag also stopped updating their blogs, felt guilty and stopped nagging. Though it never worked when they did.

Anyway, for the past three and a half weeks I’ve had an easy excuse. I’ve written a first draft. I’m being careful not to say I’ve written a novel as I want to keep my expectations realistic. It is not a novel. It may never be a novel. It may, but as for now, I have 50 054 words of a first draft. More words are needed and many of the ones I’ve written will undoubtedly need a thorough hanging, drawing and quartering come January or February when I get the courage to reread and rewrite the thing.

Tonignt we celebrate. Preceding an evening of writing, Luuk and I went to delicious Khmer – a Cambodian restaurant in Riccarton – where I enjoyed a fabulous vege satay and my new favourite ice coffee. Thanks Chris and Miriam for introducing us to a new favourite restaurant.
There was a beer about a thousand words from the finish line and while the certificate printed Luuk made me a Rooibos tea. Life is good. Now, as I have to get up at 6.30 to meet carpool at 7.30, to be at school at 8, to get coffee before staff briefing at 8.15… I better take my mostachioed (sp?) husband to bed.

NB: He’s starting to talk of looking forward to shaving it. Thank God N/Movember is coming to an end!