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Sep '07

A Cautionary Tale

We went away to church camp at Mt. Hutt Retreat this weekend. What follows contains an important safety message… – Bike helmets are very important when performing large jumps…

Luckily the only serious injury was a break in the tip of my little finger. The rest was only minor scrapes and bruises and a few sore muscles in my shoulders. No concussion either, as far as I can tell .

So kids, when you’re doing big jumps… Wear your helmet! (Or somebody else’s helmet). Oh, and keep the front of the bike up!


Spent most of Monday afternoon till nearly 11pm at night at the hospital getting my finger fixed.  It now has a wire sticking out of it, a few stitches and a glued on fingernail.


9 Responses to “A Cautionary Tale”

  1. Tony Says:


    whos bike you break because i know its not yours

  2. Yan Says:

    Nice photography work! I’m very impressed by the landing! 10/20 for style! 😉

  3. Yan Says:

    I meant 10/10 ….. & hope ur finger heals soon!

  4. luuk Says:

    Yeah, I’m fairly convinced that if it had been my bike I wouldn’t have crashed… 😉

  5. Robbie Says:

    Luuk! That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen for a while! I really feel your pain – your landing pic looks like your head’s buried into the ground.
    Thankful that you ended up so well off!

    P.S. So, are you off work for a while?

  6. Mark Says:

    Lol – nice work Luuk! Funniest thing I’ve seen today, and that includes a drunken scrum (complete with drunken ref) on the streets of Edinburgh in the wee hours 😉 Whoever did the photos did well to get all those – and lucky you considering your neck is still in one piece! Good job!

  7. Blair Says:

    Youch. Glad to see you’re not too badly injured. Got to wonder how, with a tumble like that, all you broke was the smallest bone on your smallest finger, you didn’t try to soften the fall with it did you?
    I’d blame it on the unsupported ramp, specially designed to flex as you ride up it then spring back as the weight comes off it, flipping you forwards. Of course I could have handled it 😉

  8. Us » Blog Archive » Scraped!!! Says:

    […] “I do all my own stunts” scribed on a t-shirt was a gift we had planned for someone in the family who broke his pinky while trying to bury his head in the ground after going over a jump on a bicycle. (click here for details.) […]

  9. Dirt-Jumpa Says:

    what do u mean by big jumps that thing is tiny